Privacy Policy for Users

DELIV4U, a simplified joint stock company with a share capital of ... euros, registered in the Trade and Companies Register of ... under the number ..., whose registered office is located ... - PARIS, is the guarantor of the Users' personal data.

Article 1 – Definitions

"DELIV4U Subscription":
Refers to the contract by which the Client acquires the benefit of a regular Courier andEmergency Delivery Service in return for a fixed price for a specified period.

"DELIV4U application":
Means the Mobile Application accessible by Customers to order Services from Couriers and Emergency Deliveries.

Refers to any object, mail or parcel delivered to the Courier ordered via the DELIV4U Applicationto be delivered to the Recipient indicated by the Client.

"Customer" or "you" or "Users":
Refers to all Users of the DELIV4U Application, both private individuals and legal entities andentrepreneurs acting in a professional capacity.

Refers to the DELIV4U Account opened by a Customer with a Subscription, allowing the latter to identify himself (by entering his e-mail address and password), to benefit from a Customer Area and to subscribe to the various services of the DELIV4U Application. This Account is the Username, Password and all the personal data and preferences of the Customer.

"DELIV4U" or "we" or "our":
Designates DELIV4U, a simplified joint stock company with a share capital of ... euros, registered in the Trade and Companies Register of ... under the number ..., whose registered office is located ... - PARIS.

Means any natural or legal person to whom the Courier requested by the Client viathe DELIV4U Application, must deliver one or more Items.

The "Customer Area":
Refers to the personal online space reserved for the Customer who has an Account allowing him to manage his personal data, his preferences and consult the follow-up of orders, from the DELIV4U Application and the Website.

Refers to the e-mail address chosen by the Customer to identify himself on his Account accessible on the DELIV4U Application and the Website and to access it.

Refers to the procedure by which the Customer can uniquely identify himself.

"Digital Identity (NI)":
Refers to the information that identifies an Internet user, verified by DELIV4U when it is DELIV4U's Digital Identity or by third parties when the Digital Identity is issued by a third company. In the latter case, it must be compatible with the current service.

"Delivery or Race":
Means the transport of the Item by the Courier required by the Customer to the Consignee.

Refers to the confidential code given by the Client which, combined with a User ID, allows him/her to access his/her Account. It is a sequence of characters entered by the Client, constituting his personal, exclusive and confidential code. It is composed of a minimum of eight (8) characters, including at least one letter and one number.

"Transport Professionals" or "Courier(s)" or "Deliverer(s)":
Refers to any person holding an account on the DELIV4U Application and providing Courierand Emergency Delivery Services.

"Emergency Courier and Delivery Service(s)":
Refers to the services provided to the Customer by the Courier who has accepted the Customer's Order via the DELIV4U Application.

Refers to the website published and operated by DELIV4U, accessible in particular from the address URL

Article 2 – Personal data used by DELIV4U

The personal data we use are the following:

Article 3 – Purpose of data collection

3.1. We collect and use your data in order to connect Customers with Transport Professionals to improve deliveries and shopping in the Paris region.

We display the geolocation data and telephone number of Clients to enable efficient handling.

3.2. Geolocation data is only collected during an Order when the DELIV4U Application is activated.

The collection of geolocation data stops after the Delivery and the closing of the DELIV4U Application.

3.3. We may use geolocation data to resolve quality issues related to the Courier and Emergency Delivery Services.

We use your contact information to inform you of news and updates to the DELIV4U Application only if you have a DELIV4U Subscription.

3.4. We collect data on Deliveries made by Professional Transport partners and received by Recipients to analyse geographical coverage in order to provide recommendations to Professional Transport partners on the fastest routes.

Your name, telephone number and e-mail address will be used to communicate with you.

3.5. We obtain payment information from Customers to process payment to Professional Transport Partners for their Courier and Emergency Delivery services.

Customer support data is collected on a case-by-case basis and stored for the purpose of resolving disputes and service quality issues.

Article 4 – Legal basis

Personal data is processed in order to provide the service contracted with the Clients.

We collect and process personal data submitted by Customers when they install and use the DELIV4U Application.

The precondition for using DELIV4U services is that Customers agree to the processing of identification and geolocation data.

Personal data may also be processed for legitimate interests, for example to investigate and detect fraudulent payments.

Article 5 – Recipients of personal data

5.1. The Customer's personal data are disclosed to the Professional Transport partner incharge of the Delivery and having activated the DELIV4U Application.

The Transport Professional will be given a Journey number, the Customer's name and the address for collection and delivery of the Item.

5.2. Comments left by Customers regarding the quality of service are anonymous and Transport Professional partners do not receive the names and telephone numbers of Customers who have provided ratings and comments.

Article 6 – Security and access

All personal data collected in the course of providing the services is transferred to and storedin the data centres of Zone Media Ltd. and/or Amazon Web Services, Inc. which are located in the territories of a Member State of the European Union.

Only authorized employees of DELIV4U companies and partners have access to personal data and may access the data only for the purpose of resolving problems related to the use of the services (including disputes concerning the services of Couriers and Emergency Deliveries).

Geolocation data is processed in anonymous and personalised form only if the geographical location data is necessary to link it to a Customer for the purpose of resolving disputes or fraud.

For scientific and research purposes, the data is used anonymously.

Article 7 – Access and modifications

You can access and update your personal data via the DELIV4U Application.

Article 8 – Storage of your data

Your personal data will be stored as long as you have an active User Account.

If you close your Account, personal data will be deleted (in accordance with the rules set out in this section) from our database, unless such data is to be retained for accounting, dispute resolution or fraud prevention purposes.

Financial data relating to the Courier and Emergency Delivery services provided to Clients will be retained for a period of 3 years after the last delivery.

Data required for accounting purposes will be kept for 7 years (after the last race).

In case of suspected criminal offence, fraud or false information, the data will be kept for 10 years.

In the event of a payment dispute, data will be retained until the claim is resolved or until the expiry date of such claims.

The delivery history data will be stored for a period of years3, after which time the data will be anonymised.

Please note that uninstalling the DELIV4U Application on your device does not delete your personal data.

If the DELIV4U Application has not been used for 3 years, we will inform you and ask you to confirm whether the Account is still active.

If no response is received, the Account will be closed and the personal data will be deleted, unless the data is to be stored for accounting, dispute resolution or fraud prevention purposes.

Article 9 – Deletion

You can request the deletion of your personal data at any time and your Account will also be deleted.

We will respond within one month to your requests to delete personal data submitted by email. We will also inform you of the period of the deleted data.

Article 10 – Portability

We will respond to all requests to transfer your personal data within one month of the request being made by email.

After verifying your identity, we will send you your personal data: contact information, your orders over the last 3 years and your payment information.

Article 11 – Dispute resolution

If you have a dispute about your personal data, you can contact our customer service (link).

The Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des LibertΓ©s (CNIL -, which can be contacted by e-mail, telephone or post at the following address:

Date of entry into force: April 18, 2022